The most famous pug in the world

Being “internet famous” meant something completely different in the mid-2000s. For one thing, you rarely got rich from it. In this week’s episode, Pepper and I talk about how our pug Roscoe became the most famous pug in the world for a few years in the mid-2000s. How a series of pictures called “Disinterested Pug With Found Objects” started us down a path that went from Roscoe sitting next to a crutch to a pug mask from Archie McPhee and then all the way to his face on the Superbowl. Also discussed, our 86 year old neighbor asks Pepper to buy him some dress pants, the reason you should never park in Yelm, and a follow-up on Willoughby Weebok.
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Thanks to The Retroist, who has a great podcast and blog about all things retro for providing this picture of Willoughby Weebok attacking children. I’m having trouble imagining Pepper in there.

Roscoe records a podcast.

A knockoff mask and the real pug mask.

It’s me! Dressed as Roscoe with the Roscoe action figure.

Roscoe animated to tell a terrible joke.
Pug Vs. Dalek

Thanks to Tim Ellis from Dispatches From the Multiverse for sending the Yelm article!