The internet made Pepper buy it
Sometimes, the internet makes something look so tempting you have to buy it. This episode is packed with Pepper-approved (and unapproved) products. We get no money from any products purchased.
But first, our buddy Georgie the Monkey passed away. Pepper rewatched her special Valentine’s Day treat and felt glad he got some extra mealworms.
How does Pepper keep the raccoons away from our back porch? Shot-Gun Repels-All! It has a mild, oniony odor and so far it has kept our porch porcupine, armadillo, and raccoon free. Works better than anything else we have tried. Pepper was super excited to stock up for $4.99 a bag after doing some competitive shopping online.
These 90-degree glasses use a prism for comfortable nighttime reading.
One of Pepper's favorite episodes from the Get Sleepy Podcast.
Lumify eyedrops that Pepper misnamed as Lumigan which she has used to grow long, lush eyelashes.
Desert skin relieving La Roche Posay duo recommended by Dr. Shah who is @dermdoctor on TikTok.
Two TikToker’s Pepper follows, Mikayla Nogueira, @mikaylanogueira, and Stephanie Valentine, @glamzilla, suggested Glow recipe watermelon products and Innisfree dewy glow jelly.
Christopher Meloni as water-meloni. (A joke many people ended up making.)
Melona ice cream bars. The green flavor is the best.
Our 70-year-old plum tree is still hanging in there. Thankfully, our neighbor’s window is as well.
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